Teaching & Performance Testimonials
"I learned more observing him teach for five minutes than in two years of drum lessons."
- Private Student
"I was blown away...keep the flow going..."
- Famous Jazz Drummer, Jeff Hamilton (Diana Krall)
"(The student) has made great improvement this year and I look forward to you teaching him again next year.
Just wondering, how were you able to help (him) learn that song for the concert in one lesson. He really did a fine job."
- Parent of Student
"You played great!!!"
- Legendary Drummer, Chester Thompson (Phil Collins, Frank Zappa)
“Outstanding David!! You got the gift! Swingin!!! I know too, I played with some of the best!!”
- Jack H.
“Your love for playing shows! Louie Bellson would let you play his set any time you got the love he had for playing.”
- Wayne W.
“Great job. Loved the fills. Good time and tasty playing all the way though. I’m sure you have inspired many drummers to work harder at their craft. Keep swinging!”
- Don H.
“Just saw this…Dave, you have such great time - and sensitivity to the style and dynamics of the other players. Well done, my man.”
- Robert W.
“U can't teach feel ...comes from the soul…lovely playing man.”
- Stefan M.
“Very inspiring you've got what most don't...drive, determination & the love for music.”
- Harold C.
“Probably one of the most incredible things I've ever seen”
- Caleb D. M.
“You have great chops David ! Keep on keeping on.”
- Donny S.
“Very nice …Bobby Rosengarten (Legendary Band Leader NBC and ABC) would have loved listening to that.”
- Richard D.
“Wow. That's probably the best cover I've ever heard of that song. His handwork is impressive! Rock on!”
- Tyler G.
“(Some) Of The best druming i' ve had seen in a long time excellent job.”
- Carlos C. R.
“Great range of expression!”
- Pierre D.
“Wowww!!! Really is very difficult to play this music style, so great from this guy it's amazing!!!
- Moises David E. A.
"Thank you for being a good drum teacher."
- 6 Year-Old Student :)
"When he plays you get a glimpse of his soul..."
- Enthusiastic Fan